Exclusive Interview: Renewed Passion, Reigniting my Flame in the Vibrant World of Nollywood – Actress Faith Itohan

Lagos Mag
Lagos Mag  - Content Writer
11 Min Read

Faith Itohan, a prominent figure in Nollywood and a registered intensive care nurse in the US, took a hiatus from the entertainment industry for two decades. However, she recently made a stunning comeback with her latest movie, “UNKNOWN Pandemic.”


In an exclusive interview with correspondents from Lagos Magazine, Faith Itohan divulged a profound revelation about her journey and experiences. This revelation served as the catalyst for her return to the industry, igniting her passion to release a new movie in the upcoming year.


After a two-decade hiatus from the industry, what inspired or motivated you to come back in the realm of movie production? Could you share any personal experiences or moments that triggered this return to the limelight after such a Significant period away from acting?

I relocated to the United States, starting afresh and expanding my family in the States warranted my sacrifices to focus on my family. However, my passion for the industry remained intact, always knew I would return as soon as I was able to. I am a strong willed woman with an unending passion for acting and film production. Leaving the shores of Nigeria didn’t take away my passion and that is why I am back to my first love with a new movie that will blow your mind. It is titled UNKNOWN PANDEMIC


How do you perceive the changes or evolution within the film industry since your departure? Are there noticeable differences in the creative process, storytelling techniques, or audience reception that you’ve observed upon your return?

The movie industry in Nigeria has always been evolving for decades way before the 1990s with a lot of effort from great men and women before and after us that made the industry even possible. Back then it was always passion that brought people together, there weren’t social media platforms or Internet sensations.


The industry was like a small family doing big things and making good films with intense effort in the creating process, which created the foundation and platform for today. The industry has not changed but it has expanded which allowed more good films to be produced massively with the effort of people Great people. Nollywood has always been about creativity in the entertainment industry all over the world.


Transitioning back into the industry after an extended break can present unique challenges. Could you elaborate on any hurdles you faced during this return, and how did you adapt to the shifts in technology, trends, or audience expectations?

Great responsibilities come with great challenges. Unique challenge- you can say that again. I had a burning fire in me called passion, against all odds I was determined and Prayers were the Key. The challenges came but I am glad I came out victorious as I didn’t break. Everyone on the Set of UNKNOWN PANDEMIC came with the same spirit.

Your latest production marks your return to the screen. What drew you to this specific project, and how does it resonate with your personal and professional journey in the industry? Tell us more about the cast and crew?

UNKNOW PANDEMIC movie-Statistics shows that one in every five persons possesses narcissistic traits

but about 20 percent become full-blown: This 20 percent is the UNKNOWN PANDEMIC that has affected people all over the world. If this film touches one live at a time, then it is worth it all.

I had the best people for this production. My writer David Akande, Director Tunde Olaoye, PM Daniel Oye, Actors Jide Kene Achufusi, Kehinde Bankole, and all the crew members made the Movie possible.


Twenty years is a considerable period. How have your personal growth or life experiences during this time influenced your approach to acting or filmmaking? Are there aspects you’ve rediscovered or evolved in your craft since returning?

My approach to filmmaking remains everyday family table storytelling in a way that everyone knows someone.

I am an INTENSIVE CARE REGISTERED NURSE with many years of experience, helping in saving lives in an emergency or non-emergency has the better part of me and it has manifested in everything that I do. I’m transparent, humble, and determined and I cannot do anything am not passionate about.

My family means the world to me; I have 4 kids I couldn’t ask for more blessings.

I wrote a memoir called Shadow of Hope that did very well, that will tell you my spirit was always present in the industry. My personal experience as a mother and a nurse has made my approach to storytelling more compelling. I love family oriented stories.

What are your aspirations or goals with this comeback? Are there particular messages, emotions, or narratives you aim to convey through your new project, considering your hiatus and the current state of cinema?

My coming back fully to the industry with UNKNOW PANDEMIC was the continuing story occurring and wrapping people in so many ways including suicide without them knowing how they got there nor do people around them understand what is going on. Call it awareness. I will be telling relatable stories that belong to the regular kitchen table of Family


During your time away, how did you stay connected to acting or the world of cinema? Did you continue to follow films, practice your craft privately, or engage in related creative pursuits that influenced your return?

It was hard to stay connected because the zeal to urgently come back was hunting me.Lol!. I stayed discounted for years but kept in touch with a few friends. Sometimes you have to make some sacrifice when it comes to family. But I continue to write stories and publish some. As soon as it was possible, here I am. David Akande my writer is a phenomenon young man that knows no impossibility. He was my courage whenever I lost Faith.


What valuable lessons or insights did your hiatus impart upon you, and how do you integrate these into your approach to acting or filmmaking now that you’re back in the industry?

I was brought up in Faith, the value my parents bestowed in me guided me in all I do.

I never allow or accommodate anything that distracts me from myself, that can create a false sense of worth and EGO. I always appreciate who I am and the life I have. right now.

I embrace my mistakes and failures because they build me up to the next level. I cannot hide from myself or who I am becoming because each step is beautiful in rebuilding and becoming me.


Given the industry’s evolution during your absence, what adjustments have you made in terms of working relationships, collaboration, or adapting to the current industry landscape?

I listen to the people who have been on the ground and have good intentions, transparent and humble.

No lies, no deceit or vengeance. I am hoping to collaborate someday with the right fit and good intentions.


Reflecting on your earlier career and now, how do you envision your contributions to the film industry evolving or leaving a lasting impact with this new phase of your career?

My goal is to make my stories and productions stand out. I want to tell compelling stories that will stand the test of time and also have positive impact in people’s lives.


Over the years, your fans have eagerly anticipated your return. How does their support or expectation influence your choices in selecting projects or portraying characters in this comeback phase?

The questions were coming directly “When are you coming back”? I knew someday I would be able to tell them,” Here I am”. Everyone on set for UNKNOWN PANDEMIC made me feel I never left. So it was easy to slide right in place.


Beyond this comeback project, do you foresee an enduring presence in the industry? Are there specific genres, roles, or collaborations you aspire to explore in the future?

God has the say; all I have to do is to follow.

I encourage fans to Follow me on Instagram @officialfaithitohan and be part of the movement and growth that will be created before their eyes. @officialfaithitohan







































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