Addressing the Complexities of Makoko Lagos : Exploring Potential Solutions to a Persistent Challenge

Lagos Mag
Lagos Mag  - Content Writer
2 Min Read

Chess in Slums Founder, Tunde Onakoya, Highlights Dilemmas and Urges Focus on Education for Lasting Change


In a recent tweet, Tunde Onakoya, founder of Chess in Slums, shed light on the intricate challenges facing the Makoko Lagos  community, urging consideration of potential solutions amid a complex landscape.


Outlined below are several proposed approaches:


While the idea of relocating residents and cleaning the waters may seem appealing, it poses significant financial hurdles and risks catalyzing gentrification. The displacement of Makoko’s inhabitants could exacerbate socioeconomic disparities if not accompanied by comprehensive support systems.


Past attempts at forced eviction in 2012 were met with resistance, underscoring the need for a more nuanced approach. Simply displacing over 250,000 individuals without viable alternatives is impractical and ethically dubious.


Resettling Makoko’s population presents logistical challenges, particularly considering the community’s reliance on fishing. Generating employment opportunities in new locations would be essential to sustain livelihoods and prevent economic instability.


Despite the absence of a straightforward solution, Onakoya emphasizes the transformative power of education, particularly for the younger generation. As evidence, the Chief Operating Officer of Chess in Slums Africa, hailing from Makoko, now pursues post-graduate studies on a scholarship in the United States.


Highlighting the importance of providing quality education to empower youth, Onakoya underscores the potential for education to redirect the trajectory of individuals’ lives, transcending the confines of their current environment.


In essence, while the challenges facing Makoko may be multifaceted, investing in education emerges as a pivotal strategy for fostering long-term sustainable development and empowering future generations to transcend the limitations of their circumstances.

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