“Sometimes I’m a little girl, other times I’m an old woman, depending on the situation. Most companies I’ve worked with love me till it’s time to leave.”
She loves music and stories, and she’s making films the slower way, learning by doing.
There is a distinct impression you get when you first come across Korty EO in any of her videos. There is no mistaking that signature effortless yet natural vibe that is bound to keep viewers curious! It is there in every production that has her name on it.
Christened Eniola Olanrewaju, Korty is an indie film-maker and Youtuber who started out in the world of content creation as a writer and content creator at Zikoko!. It was the door that was immediately opened at the time and she had no second thoughts about putting one foot in the doorway, which created space to push her whole body in. She followed through with a stint at emPawa, a creative accelerator founded by Mr . Eazi where she was the Head of Content for one year.
In less than four years, the former model has garnered almost 14,000,000 (Fourteen Million) views on her Youtube page and gotten much digital buzz and reviews even though she admits to begging people to subscribe to her Youtube channel when she first started.
At a time when digital content is largely created and consumed by younger people, Korty’s experimental and spontaneous style feeds the cravings of Nigerian urban culture. This might explain her fast rise in the content space and her selection as one of the Youtube Black Voices Class of 2023 honoraries.
Her unique way of creating contents has made her have international recognition, she recently worked with “Victoria Secret ” to create an amazing movie, ‘THE TOUR 23’, it’s definitely a must watch for every lover of a different type of content. The movie is available in PRIME VIDEO.