The Directorate of Nursing Services of the Lagos State Primary Health Care Board (LSPHCB) has arranged a training session for the Nursing Officers in Charge (OIC) of its 24-hour Flagship Facilities.
The goal of the training, which will take place in three batches at the NANNM House in Alausa Ikeja from April 3–5, 2024, is to provide nurses with the most recent information on critical maternity and newborn care as well as best practices.
Dr. Abimbola Bowale, Permanent Secretary, Lagos Health District IV and Supervising PS for LSPHCB, emphasized the state’s commitment to improving healthcare at the community level during his remarks on Wednesday at the training’s opening.
He emphasized the value of continuing education for nurses, who make up the majority of healthcare workers, in order to keep them abreast of the most recent developments in the industry.
Dr. Bowale continued by saying that the training aims to enhance communication abilities as well as the appropriate use of pertinent labor management devices and other cutting-edge technologies utilized in contemporary mother and infant care.
The Director of Nursing Services, Mrs. Anne Oyesanya, had earlier urged the attendees to engage in the sessions and gain knowledge from them.
To put it in her own words: “This update gives you the information, abilities, and tools you need to give babies in your communities the best care possible. This program is intended to refresh your current knowledge while introducing you to the newest evidence-based practices in maternity and newborn care. As continuous learning is crucial in the healthcare industry.
Reducing mortality and morbidity, enhancing the communication skills of midwives, and enhancing the health outcomes for mothers and newborns were the main objectives of the training program organized in association with “Smiles For Mothers”.
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Fang Jifan도 “내 아들이 명령에 순종합니다. “라고 안도했습니다.
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